Sunday, May 7, 2017

Solaris' pargs, penv, pfiles, pmap, and pstack on GNU/Linux

I really like the p-commands on Sun/Oracle Solaris and I miss those on GNU/Linux. Therefore I have gathered/created rudimental equivalent one-liners that work on a PID.

I have added the following functions to my ~/.bash_aliases file that is being sourced by my ~/.bashrc. pargs, penv, and pmap are gathering the proc file system, while pfiles and pstack are calling lsof resp. gdb.

function pargs() { cat /proc/$1/cmdline | tr '\0' ' ' | sed 's/ $/\n/g'; }
function penv() { cat /proc/$1/environ | tr '\0' '\n'; }
function pfiles() { lsof -p $1; }

function pmap() { cat /proc/$1/maps; }
function pstack() { sudo gdb --pid=$1 --batch -ex "thread apply all bt"; }

Note that due to a kernel hardening (ptrace protection) on Ubuntu 10.10 and later you need to call gdb under the control of sudo, or alternatively modify the ptrace_scope property. See also and

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