Saturday, September 30, 2023

Jacksum: How to skip files during hash calculation or the verification process

You could skip files during the hash calcualation process so that you do not create hash values at all for particular files and/or you could skip files during the verification process.

Skip files during hash calculation

To keep the example short, let's say we don't want to hash program libraries. Those files usually end with .dll on Windows, and with .so on GNU/Linux.

1. Create a list of files

Let's say we want to list all files in the current working directory (.) and below.

On GNU/Linux and macOS:

> find . -type f > files.list

On Windows:

> dir /A-D /B /S . > files.list

Using Jacksum:

> jacksum --style files-only . > files.list

2. Modify the file list as required

The -v option for grep and findstr lists files only that do not match the criteria given. You can use regular expressions. The $ at the end marks the end of a string.

On GNU/Linux or macOS:

> grep -v ".so$" files.list > files-filtered.list

On Windows:

> findstr /V ".dll$" files.list > files-filtered.list

3. Hash the file list

We can hash that list using the Jacksum option -L (or --file-list):

> jacksum -a sha256 -L files-filtered.list > hashes.sha256

Skip files during the verification process

If you want to ignore particular paths from a hash file you can do it in a similar way.

1. Modify the hash file as required

On GNU/Linux or macOS:

> grep -v ".so$" hashes.sha256 > hashes-filtered.sha256

On Windows:

> findstr /V ".dll$" hashes.sha256 > hashes-filtered.sha256

2. Start the integrity verification process

> jacksum -a sha256 -c hashes-filtered.sha256 .

Note: the dot at the end of the command says: verify not only the integrity of the paths stored in the hashes.sha256, but also read the current working directory (.) and all files below (-r max is set implicitly). With that you will also find new files that have been added after the file called hashes.sha256 was produced. Without the dot you will verify the files only that have a trace in hashes-filtered.sha256.

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